the bigger story

While we fiercely miss our son and the uniquely special way he completed our family, this website is not just about remembering him. As much as we desire to honor Mason, because, let’s face it, he was a pretty fantastic kid, our deepest desire is to honor God.

This is not just a story about Mason, but a much bigger story of what God has done through our pain.

This past year has been the most difficult of our lives. And yet through it all… through the unexpected death, the sudden loss, the intense pain, the never-ending sorrow and crippling grief, we have seen God in such beautiful and profound ways. So while we honor Mason and the precious blessing he was to us, we ultimately want to honor a sovereign God who first chose to gift us with 6 years and 18 days with Mason, and then has never left us as we navigate life without him.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.

We believe God works the good in all things. And so we choose to say thank you, God, for your victory over death. Thank you Jesus, for holding our son in your arms when we cannot.

Thank you for hope.

This valley has been dark, and it has been scary. But God has been real and his promises are true. We recognize our purpose in this life and the purpose of Mason’s death. And while this life is so temporary we pray that God continues to use Mason’s story to reveal the hope he offers for all eternity.

Because we have seen him move in our pain and in our lives so profoundly, we choose to honor the story he is writing with Mason and want to share the good He is doing through all things, especially the intense pain of losing a child.



mason andrew

When we named Mason, we picked Andrew for his middle name because of John chapter 1 and the fact that when Andrew met Jesus, “The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, 'We have found the Messiah’ (that is, the Christ). And he brought him to Jesus.” (vs 41-42)

The picture of Andrew being known as one who brought others to Christ was what we desired for Mason’s life. That he would bring people to Jesus.

A few days after he died, I found myself reading John chapter 1 and God very clearly reminded me of this. That over 6 years ago, we trusted the Lord would use our child to bring people to Jesus. And God showed me at that moment that he would indeed use Mason’s life, and his death, to bring others to Him.

Several days later, when the pain was suffocating, I read one of the only other accounts of Andrew in the bible, John chapter 6. At the feeding of the 5,000, Andrew is the disciple who brought the boy with the lunch to Jesus. The task of feeding 5,000 people was indeed impossible. Andrew brought the little that they could find to Jesus with obedience and faith, and God multiplied it in such a glorious way there was no doubt of his power.

We bring the little we have, the pain and loss and brokenness, we hand it over to Jesus, and trust him to do what can feel impossible: redeem the death of our son and allow Him to use it to be glorified.

One of the most comforting aspects of this account to me is verse 12, “Gather up the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.”

God has shown me, over and over again, that nothing is wasted in our loss. He is using every fragment, every morsel of pain, for his kingdom.

We have seen the power of death. We have felt it and lived it. And more importantly, we have seen the power of God that is stronger than the grave.

The pain and death of this life is so temporary. There is hope for eternity. We will see Mason again. This is not the end.


  • mason's story

    Mason's parents telling more of Mason's story and how God was so present and loving in the midst of intense pain and loss.

    watch Mason's parents share his story

  • mason's slide show

    Snapshots of 6 years of life with a spunky, fun-loving little boy.

    watch the slideshow

  • Joy in the midst of suffering

    A message of hope shared by a dear friend the morning Mason died. He begins weaving Mason's story in at the 9 min 30 sec mark.

    view the message

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